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2024 Shanghai Science Popularization Industry Summit and Product and Technology Expo

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2024/08/08 - 08/11 (Thur To Sun Total 4 Days)    Error Correction


Shanghai Shanghai Cross border Procurement Exhibition Center ChinaShanghai CityPutuo District 35 Zhongjiang Road, Putuo District, Shanghai


Shanghai Municipal Commission of Science and Technology Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology


Shanghai Municipal Commission of Science and Technology Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology

11Days To Go


2024 Shanghai Science Popularization Industry Summit and Product and Technology Expo - www.globalomp.com

2024 Shanghai Science Popularization Industry Summit and Product and Technology Expo - www.globalomp.com

2024 Shanghai Science Popularization Industry Summit and Product and Technology Expo

2024 Yangtze River Delta Science Popularization Industry Summit and Product and Technology Expo

Time: August 8-11, 2024 Location: Shanghai Cross border Procurement Exhibition Center

Guidance unit:

China Association for Science and Technology


Shanghai Municipal Commission of Science and Technology

Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology

Shanghai Association of Science and Technology

Supporting co organizers:

China Cultural Relics Exchange Center

Jiangsu Association of Science and Technology

Zhejiang Association of Science and Technology

Anhui Association of Science and Technology

Shanghai Science and Technology Museum

Shanghai Museum Association

Shanghai Multimedia Industry Association

In order to deeply implement the relevant deployments of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, build a platform for sharing scientific and technological resources in the Yangtze River Delta, promote complementary and efficient utilization of regional resources, build a coordinated and integrated science popularization work in the Yangtze River Delta region, promote the development of science popularization in the new era, strengthen and promote the construction of science popularization exhibition and dissemination capabilities in the science popularization industry, demonstrate a real, three-dimensional, and comprehensive Chinese science education system, and integrate science popularization into the development strategy of enterprises, Enhance the brand value and social image of enterprises through science popularization, and fulfill social responsibilities.

The "Yangtze River Delta Science Popularization Industry Summit and Product and Technology Expo", hosted by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Science and Technology and the Shanghai Association of Science and Technology, is scheduled to be held from August 8-11, 2024 at the Shanghai Cross border Procurement Exhibition Center. Through exhibition activities, the society will have a clearer understanding of the essential characteristics and dissemination rules of science popularization, thereby promoting the comprehensive prosperity of the science popularization industry in areas such as culture, digital, education, sports, and tourism, Forming the driving force for building a socialist strong country

The business opportunity value of the 2024 Yangtze River Delta International Science Popularization Industry Expo is highlighted, bringing together relevant regulatory departments such as science museums, museums, cultural tourism, education and training, sports competitions, information technology service providers, software service providers, universities, research institutes, and other supply and demand parties.

The exhibition will invite party, government and military organs, financial securities, energy and power, medical care, education, communication, Internet of Things, cars, cloud computing and big data, tobacco, meteorology, transportation, electronics, logistics, mobile Internet, digital technology, Internet applications, new e-commerce, cross-border e-commerce, business intelligence, intelligent terminals, new media, artificial intelligence, information technology applications, blockchain, emergency prevention and control, intelligent manufacturing Industrial Internet, environmental protection, community, government affairs, party building, archives, culture and tourism, home furnishing, etc.

N Science Popularization Application Direction Forum Activities Focusing on Emerging Fields and Technologies

① The Yangtze River Delta Science Popularization Industry Summit

② Venue Digital Construction Exhibition Forum

③ Campus Science Popularization Construction Innovation Forum

④ Digital Science and Technology Expo Venues Future Era Exchange Conference

⑤ New Media Science Popularization Strategy Development Business Forum

⑥ Forum on the Development of Metaverse Application Achievements

The series of related contemporaneous activity forums aim to promote the transformation and upgrading of the science popularization industry, promote economic development, focus on the integration of new trends, achievements, and experiences in various fields such as culture, cultural tourism, education, and sports in the science popularization industry, and discuss future technologies, market directions, and business models for innovative application of information technology.

Audience field

The business opportunity value of the 2024 Yangtze River Delta International Science Popularization Industry Expo is highlighted, bringing together relevant regulatory departments such as science museums, museums, cultural tourism, education and training, sports competitions, information technology service providers, software service providers, universities, research institutes, and other supply and demand parties.

The exhibition will invite party, government and military organs, financial securities, energy and power, medical care, education, communication, Internet of Things, cars, cloud computing and big data, tobacco, meteorology, transportation, electronics, logistics, mobile Internet, digital technology, Internet applications, new e-commerce, cross-border e-commerce, business intelligence, intelligent terminals, new media, artificial intelligence, information technology applications, blockchain, emergency prevention and control, intelligent manufacturing Industrial Internet, environmental protection, community, government affairs, party building, archives, culture and tourism, home furnishing, etc.

N Science Popularization Application Direction Forum Activities Focusing on Emerging Fields and Technologies

① The Yangtze River Delta Science Popularization Industry Summit

② Venue Digital Construction Exhibition Forum

③ Campus Science Popularization Construction Innovation Forum

④ Digital Science and Technology Expo Venues Future Era Exchange Conference

⑤ New Media Science Popularization Strategy Development Business Forum

⑥ Forum on the Development of Metaverse Application Achievements

The series of related contemporaneous activity forums aim to promote the transformation and upgrading of the science popularization industry, promote economic development, focus on the integration of new trends, achievements, and experiences in various fields such as culture, cultural tourism, education, and sports in the science popularization industry, and discuss the future technology and market direction of information technology innovation and application.


2024 Shanghai Science Popularization Industry Summit and Product and Technology Expo - www.globalomp.com

2024 Shanghai Science Popularization Industry Summit and Product and Technology Expo - www.globalomp.com

Exhibition scope

V National Heavy Equipment · Strategic Science and Technology Achievements Popularization Theme Exhibition Area

Technology exhibitions include but are not limited to cutting-edge technology exhibits such as lunar exploration, space stations, satellites, deep-sea exploration, quantum information, fusion energy, semiconductors, lasers, biopharmaceuticals, high-end medical digital AI, and large models

V Science and Technology Expo Venue Related Products and Technology Application Theme Exhibition Area

The exhibition includes but is not limited to the development and production of innovative exhibits (exhibition items) such as science museums, education museums, mobile technology museums, community science popularization museums, fire and safety themed museums, cultural and tourism centers, commercial halls, etc., as well as venue exhibition design and construction.

V Science Comprehensive Education Theme Exhibition Area

Display includes but is not limited to maker centers, STEAM education, programming and robotics education, 3D printing, scientific experiments, virtual maker spaces, animation creative technology, traditional culture, medical science popularization, and other educational products.

V Digital Science Popularization and Multimedia Theme Exhibition Area

The exhibition includes but is not limited to intelligent applications in science museums and other venues, VR \ AR \ MR, holographic projection, science popularization visualization, 4K/8K+5G high-definition technology, IoT perception, science popularization light shows, science popularization new exhibition boards, science popularization Rubik's Cube, immersive experience devices, digital humans, metaverse, big data, cloud digital and other products.

The cultural and creative themed exhibition area showcases exhibits such as science popularization anime, science popularization cultural and creative, science popularization games, science popularization art, science popularization reading materials, science popularization film and television, science popularization research and learning, science popularization science fiction, science popularization games, (performance, commercial, educational) robots, etc.

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibition organizer for implementation before participating in the exhibition.

2024 Shanghai Science Popularization Industry Summit and Product and Technology Expo - www.globalomp.com


  • Telephone:13585576593
  • Truename:Chen Yan
  • Mobile:13585576593
  • Address:35 Zhongjiang Road, Putuo District, Shanghai


The information on this site comes from the network and related members, and the website has done its duty to review it. Due to the uncontrollability of the process of organizing the exhibition, some of the exhibition information in the station may change the subject matter, Extending or cancelling the event, please exhibitors and visitors must check with each other again before exhibiting! All the exhibitions in this site are not hosted/co-organized or organized, if there are any disputes during the exhibition, please hold the main responsibility of the exhibition organization! QQ Email: 523138820@qq.com WeChat: 523138820 Mobile: 15313206870


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